Source code for harmonica._forward.point

# Copyright (c) 2018 The Harmonica Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# This code is part of the Fatiando a Terra project (
Forward modelling for point masses

import numpy as np
from choclo.constants import GRAVITATIONAL_CONST
from choclo.point import (
from numba import jit, prange

from .utils import check_coordinate_system, distance_spherical_core

[docs] def point_gravity( coordinates, points, masses, field, coordinate_system="cartesian", parallel=True, dtype="float64", ): r""" Compute gravitational fields of point masses. Compute the gravitational potential, gravitational acceleration and tensor components generated by a collection of point masses on a set of observation points defined either in Cartesian or geocentric spherical coordinates. .. warning:: The **vertical direction points upwards**, i.e. positive and negative values of ``upward`` represent points above and below the surface, respectively. But ``g_z`` field returns the **downward component** of the gravitational acceleration so that positive density contrasts produce positive anomalies. The same applies to the tensor components, i.e. the ``g_ez`` is the non-diagonal **easting-downward** tensor component. .. important:: - The gravitational potential is returned in :math:`\text{J}/\text{kg}`. - The gravity acceleration components are returned in mGal (:math:`\text{m}/\text{s}^2`). - The tensor components are returned in Eotvos (:math:`\text{s}^{-2}`). Parameters ---------- coordinates : list of arrays List of arrays containing the coordinates of computation points in the following order: ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` (if coordinates given in Cartesian coordinates), or ``longitude``, ``latitude`` and ``radius`` (if given on a spherical geocentric coordinate system). All ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` should be in meters. Both ``longitude`` and ``latitude`` should be in degrees and ``radius`` in meters. points : list or array List or array containing the coordinates of the point masses in the following order: ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` (if coordinates given in Cartesian coordinates), or ``longitude``, ``latitude`` and ``radius`` (if given on a spherical geocentric coordinate system). All ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` should be in meters. Both ``longitude`` and ``latitude`` should be in degrees and ``radius`` in meters. masses : list or array List or array containing the mass of each point mass in kg. field : str Gravitational field that wants to be computed. The available fields coordinates are: - Gravitational potential: ``potential`` - Easting acceleration: ``g_e`` - Northing acceleration: ``g_n`` - Downward acceleration: ``g_z`` - Tensor components: - ``g_ee`` - ``g_nn`` - ``g_zz`` - ``g_en`` - ``g_ez`` - ``g_nz`` coordinate_system : str (optional) Coordinate system of the coordinates of the computation points and the point masses. Available coordinates systems: ``cartesian``, ``spherical``. Default ``cartesian``. parallel : bool (optional) If True the computations will run in parallel using Numba built-in parallelization. If False, the forward model will run on a single core. Might be useful to disable parallelization if the forward model is run by an already parallelized workflow. Default to True. dtype : data-type (optional) Data type assigned to resulting gravitational field. Default to ``np.float64``. Returns ------- result : array Gravitational field generated by the ``point_mass`` on the computation points defined in ``coordinates``. The potential is given in SI units, the accelerations in mGal and the Marussi tensor components in Eotvos. Notes ----- The gravitational potential field generated by a point mass with mass :math:`m` located at a point :math:`Q` on a computation point :math:`P` can be computed as: .. math:: V(P) = \frac{G m}{l}, where :math:`G` is the gravitational constant and :math:`l` is the Euclidean distance between :math:`P` and :math:`Q` [Blakely1995]_. In Cartesian coordinates, the points :math:`P` and :math:`Q` are given by :math:`x`, :math:`y` and :math:`z` coordinates, which can be translated into ``northing``, ``easting`` and ``upward``, respectively. If :math:`P` is located at :math:`(x, y, z)`, and :math:`Q` at :math:`(x_p, y_p, z_p)`, the distance :math:`l` can be computed as: .. math:: l = \sqrt{ (x - x_p)^2 + (y - y_p)^2 + (z - z_p)^2 }. The gradient of the potential, also known as the gravitational acceleration vector :math:`\vec{g}`, is defined as: .. math:: \vec{g} = \nabla V and has components :math:`g_{northing}(P)`, :math:`g_{easting}(P)` and :math:`g_{upward}(P)` given by .. math:: g_{northing}(P) = - \frac{G m}{l^3} (x - x_p), .. math:: g_{easting}(P) = - \frac{G m}{l^3} (y - y_p) and .. math:: g_{upward}(P) = - \frac{G m}{l^3} (z - z_p). We define the downward component of the gravitational acceleration as the opposite of :math:`g_{upward}` (remember that :math:`z` points upwards): .. math:: g_{z}(P) = \frac{G m}{l^3} (z - z_p). On a geocentric spherical coordinate system, the points :math:`P` and :math:`Q` are given by the ``longitude``, ``latitude`` and ``radius`` coordinates, i.e. :math:`\lambda`, :math:`\varphi` and :math:`r`, respectively. On this coordinate system, the Euclidean distance between :math:`P(r, \varphi, \lambda)` and :math:`Q(r_p, \varphi_p, \lambda_p)` can be calculated as follows [Grombein2013]_: .. math:: l = \sqrt{ r^2 + r_p^2 - 2 r r_p \cos \Psi }, where .. math:: \cos \Psi = \sin \varphi \sin \varphi_p + \cos \varphi \cos \varphi_p \cos(\lambda - \lambda_p). The radial component of the acceleration vector on a local North-oriented system whose origin is located on the point :math:`P(r, \varphi, \lambda)` is given by [Grombein2013]_: .. math:: g_r(P) = - \frac{G m}{l^3} (r - r_p \cos \Psi). We define the downward component of the gravitational acceleration :math:`g_z` as the opposite of the radial component: .. math:: g_z(P) = \frac{G m}{l^3} (r - r_p \cos \Psi). .. warning:: When working in Cartesian coordinates, the **z direction points upwards**, i.e. positive and negative values of ``upward`` represent points above and below the surface, respectively. But remember that the ``g_z`` field returns the downward component of the gravitational acceleration. .. warning:: When working in geocentric spherical coordinates, remember that the ``g_z`` field returns the downward component of the gravitational acceleration on the local North oriented coordinate system. It is equivalent to the opposite of the radial component, therefore it's positive if the acceleration vector points inside the spheroid. """ # Sanity checks for coordinate_system check_coordinate_system( coordinate_system, valid_coord_systems=("cartesian", "spherical") ) # Figure out the shape and size of the output array cast = np.broadcast(*coordinates[:3]) result = np.zeros(cast.size, dtype=dtype) # Prepare arrays to be passed to the jitted functions coordinates = tuple(np.atleast_1d(i).ravel() for i in coordinates[:3]) points = tuple(np.atleast_1d(i).ravel() for i in points[:3]) masses = np.atleast_1d(masses).ravel() # Sanity checks if masses.size != points[0].size: raise ValueError( "Number of elements in masses ({}) ".format(masses.size) + "mismatch the number of points ({})".format(points[0].size) ) # Compute gravitational field kernel = get_kernel(coordinate_system, field) dispatcher(coordinate_system, parallel)( *coordinates, *points, masses, result, kernel ) # Invert sign of gravity_u, gravity_eu, gravity_nu if field in ("g_z", "g_ez", "g_ze", "g_nz", "g_zn"): result *= -1 # Convert to more convenient units if field in ("g_e", "g_n", "g_z"): result *= 1e5 # SI to mGal tensors = ("g_ee", "g_nn", "g_zz", "g_en", "g_ez", "g_nz", "g_ne", "g_ze", "g_zn") if field in tensors: result *= 1e9 # SI to Eotvos return result.reshape(cast.shape)
def dispatcher(coordinate_system, parallel): """ Return the appropriate forward model function """ dispatchers = { "cartesian": { True: point_mass_cartesian_parallel, False: point_mass_cartesian_serial, }, "spherical": { True: point_mass_spherical_parallel, False: point_mass_spherical_serial, }, } return dispatchers[coordinate_system][parallel] def get_kernel(coordinate_system, field): """ Return the appropriate kernel """ kernels = { "cartesian": { "potential": gravity_pot, "g_e": gravity_e, "g_n": gravity_n, "g_z": gravity_u, # diagonal tensor components "g_ee": gravity_ee, "g_nn": gravity_nn, "g_zz": gravity_uu, # non-diagonal tensor components "g_en": gravity_en, "g_ez": gravity_eu, "g_nz": gravity_nu, "g_ne": gravity_en, "g_ze": gravity_eu, "g_zn": gravity_nu, }, "spherical": { "potential": potential_spherical, "g_z": gravity_u_spherical, "g_n": None, "g_e": None, }, } if field not in kernels[coordinate_system]: raise ValueError("Gravitational field '{}' not recognized".format(field)) kernel = kernels[coordinate_system][field] if kernel is None: raise NotImplementedError return kernel # ------------------------------------------ # Kernel functions for Spherical coordinates # ------------------------------------------ @jit(nopython=True) def potential_spherical( longitude, cosphi, sinphi, radius, longitude_p, cosphi_p, sinphi_p, radius_p ): """ Kernel function for potential gravitational field in spherical coordinates """ distance, _, _ = distance_spherical_core( longitude, cosphi, sinphi, radius, longitude_p, cosphi_p, sinphi_p, radius_p ) return 1 / distance * GRAVITATIONAL_CONST # Acceleration components # ------------------- @jit(nopython=True) def gravity_u_spherical( longitude, cosphi, sinphi, radius, longitude_p, cosphi_p, sinphi_p, radius_p ): """ Kernel for upward component of gravitational acceleration Use spherical coordinates """ distance, cospsi, _ = distance_spherical_core( longitude, cosphi, sinphi, radius, longitude_p, cosphi_p, sinphi_p, radius_p ) delta_z = radius - radius_p * cospsi return -GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * delta_z / distance**3 def point_mass_cartesian( easting, northing, upward, easting_p, northing_p, upward_p, masses, out, forward_func, ): """ Compute gravitational field of point masses in Cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- easting, northing, upward : 1d-arrays Coordinates of computation points in Cartesian coordinate system. easting_p, northing_p, upward_p : 1d-arrays Coordinates of point masses in Cartesian coordinate system. masses : 1d-array Mass of each point mass in SI units. out : 1d-array Array where the gravitational field on each computation point will be appended. It must have the same size of ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward``. forward_func : func forward_func function that will be used to compute the gravitational field on the computation points. It could be one of the forward modelling functions in :mod:`choclo.point`. """ for l in prange(easting.size): for m in range(easting_p.size): out[l] += forward_func( easting[l], northing[l], upward[l], easting_p[m], northing_p[m], upward_p[m], masses[m], ) def point_mass_spherical( longitude, latitude, radius, longitude_p, latitude_p, radius_p, masses, out, kernel ): """ Compute gravitational field of point masses in spherical coordinates Parameters ---------- longitude, latitude, radius : 1d-arrays Coordinates of computation points in spherical geocentric coordinate system. longitude_p, latitude_p, radius_p : 1d-arrays Coordinates of point masses in spherical geocentric coordinate system. masses : 1d-array Mass of each point mass in SI units. out : 1d-array Array where the gravitational field on each computation point will be appended. It must have the same size of ``longitude``, ``latitude`` and ``radius``. kernel : func Kernel function that will be used to compute the gravitational field on the computation points. """ # Compute quantities related to computation point longitude = np.radians(longitude) latitude = np.radians(latitude) cosphi = np.cos(latitude) sinphi = np.sin(latitude) # Compute quantities related to point masses longitude_p = np.radians(longitude_p) latitude_p = np.radians(latitude_p) cosphi_p = np.cos(latitude_p) sinphi_p = np.sin(latitude_p) # Compute gravitational field for l in prange(longitude.size): for m in range(longitude_p.size): out[l] += masses[m] * kernel( longitude[l], cosphi[l], sinphi[l], radius[l], longitude_p[m], cosphi_p[m], sinphi_p[m], radius_p[m], ) # Define jitted versions of the forward modelling functions point_mass_cartesian_serial = jit(nopython=True)(point_mass_cartesian) point_mass_cartesian_parallel = jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)(point_mass_cartesian) point_mass_spherical_serial = jit(nopython=True)(point_mass_spherical) point_mass_spherical_parallel = jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)(point_mass_spherical)