

Single-beam bathymetry of the Caribbean

This dataset is a compilation of several public domain single-beam bathymetry surveys of the ocean in the Caribbean. The data display a wide range of tectonic activity and an uneven distribution.

The horizontal datum is WGS84 and the bathymetry is negative downwards and is referenced to “mean sea level”.

There are 294,321 measurements in total with 4 columns available: survey ID, longitude, latitude (geodetic), and bathymetry (in meters).

Changes in version 2

In version 1, there were 1,938,095 data taking up a larger area. The data were depth_m and positive downward. Version 2, cropped the data to make it more manageable and converted the depths to bathymetric heights (negative downward).

Format: CSV with xz (lzma) compression.

Load with: pandas.read_csv

Original source: NOAA NCEI

Original license: Public domain

Pre-processing: Source code for preparation of the original dataset for redistribution in Ensaio



version (int) – The data version to fetch. See the available versions above.


fname (pathlib.Path) – Path to the downloaded file on disk.

Examples using ensaio.fetch_caribbean_bathymetry#

Bathymetry single-beam surveys of the Caribbean

Bathymetry single-beam surveys of the Caribbean