Source code for verde.distances
Distance calculations between points.
import numpy as np
from .utils import kdtree
from .base.utils import n_1d_arrays
[docs]def median_distance(coordinates, k_nearest=1, projection=None):
Median distance between the *k* nearest neighbors of each point.
For each point specified in *coordinates*, calculate the median of the distance to
its *k_nearest* neighbors among the other points in the dataset. Sparse uniformly
spaced datasets can use *k_nearest* of 1. Datasets with points clustered into tight
groups (e.g., densely sampled along a flight line or ship treck) will have very
small distances to the closest neighbors, which is not representative of the actual
median spacing because it doesn't take the spacing between lines into account. In
these cases, a median of the 10 or 20 nearest neighbors might be more
The distances calculated are Cartesian (l2-norms) and horizontal (only the first two
coordinate arrays are used). If the coordinates are in geodetic latitude and
longitude, provide a *projection* function to convert them to Cartesian before doing
the computations.
.. note::
If installed, package ``pykdtree`` will be used instead of
:class:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` for better performance.
coordinates : tuple of arrays
Arrays with the coordinates of each data point. Should be in the
following order: (easting, northing, vertical, ...). Only the first two
coordinates (assumed to be the horizontal) will be used in the distance
k_nearest : int
Will calculate the median of the *k* nearest neighbors of each point. A value of
1 will result in the distance to nearest neighbor of each data point.
projection : callable or None
If not None, then should be a callable object (like a function)
``projection(easting, northing) -> (proj_easting, proj_northing)`` that
takes in easting and northing coordinate arrays and returns projected
northing and easting coordinate arrays.
distances : array
An array with the median distances to the *k* nearest neighbors of each data
point. The array will have the same shape as the input coordinate arrays.
>>> import verde as vd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> coords = vd.grid_coordinates((5, 10, -20, -17), spacing=1)
>>> # The nearest neighbor distance should be the grid spacing
>>> distance = median_distance(coords, k_nearest=1)
>>> np.allclose(distance, 1)
>>> # The distance has the same shape as the coordinate arrays
>>> print(distance.shape, coords[0].shape)
(4, 6) (4, 6)
>>> # The 2 nearest points should also all be at a distance of 1
>>> distance = median_distance(coords, k_nearest=2)
>>> np.allclose(distance, 1)
>>> # The 3 nearest points are at a distance of 1 but on the corners they are
>>> # [1, 1, sqrt(2)] away. The median for these points is also 1.
>>> distance = median_distance(coords, k_nearest=3)
>>> np.allclose(distance, 1)
>>> # The 4 nearest points are at a distance of 1 but on the corners they are
>>> # [1, 1, sqrt(2), 2] away.
>>> distance = median_distance(coords, k_nearest=4)
>>> print("{:.2f}".format(np.median([1, 1, np.sqrt(2), 2])))
>>> for line in distance:
... print(" ".join(["{:.2f}".format(i) for i in line]))
1.21 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.21
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1.21 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.21
shape = np.broadcast(*coordinates[:2]).shape
coords = n_1d_arrays(coordinates, n=2)
if projection is not None:
coords = projection(*coords)
tree = kdtree(coords)
# The k=1 nearest point is going to be the point itself (with a distance of zero)
# because we don't remove each point from the dataset in turn. We don't care about
# that distance so start with the second closest. Only get the first element
# returned (the distance) and ignore the rest (the neighbor indices).
k_distances = tree.query(np.transpose(coords), k=k_nearest + 1)[0][:, 1:]
distances = np.median(k_distances, axis=1)
return distances.reshape(shape)