Source code for verde.chain

Class for chaining gridders.
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from .base import BaseGridder
from .base.utils import check_data
from .coordinates import get_region

[docs]class Chain(BaseGridder): """ Chain filtering operations to fit on each subsequent output. The :meth:`~verde.base.BaseGridder.filter` method of each element of the set is called with the outputs of the previous one. For gridders and trend estimators this means that each element fits the residuals (input data minus predicted data) of the previous one. When predicting data, the predictions of each step in the chain are added together. Steps that don't implement a :meth:`~verde.base.BaseGridder.predict` method are ignored. This provides a convenient way to chaining operations like trend estimation to a given gridder. Parameters ---------- steps : list A list of ``('name', step)`` pairs where ``step`` is any verde class that implements a ``filter(coordinates, data, weights)`` method (including ``Chain`` itself). Attributes ---------- region_ : tuple The boundaries (``[W, E, S, N]``) of the data used to fit the chain. Used as the default region for the :meth:`~verde.Chain.grid` and :meth:`~verde.Chain.scatter` methods. named_steps : dict A dictionary version of *steps* where the ``'name'`` strings are keys and the estimator/gridder/processor objects are the values. See also -------- verde.Vector : Fit an estimator to each component of multi-component vector data """ def __init__(self, steps): super().__init__() self.steps = steps @property def named_steps(self): """ A dictionary version of steps. """ return dict(self.steps)
[docs] def fit(self, coordinates, data, weights=None): """ Fit the chained estimators to the given data. Each estimator in the chain is fitted to the residuals of the previous estimator. The coordinates are preserved. Only the data values are changed. The data region is captured and used as default for the :meth:`~verde.Chain.grid` and :meth:`~verde.Chain.scatter` methods. All input arrays must have the same shape. Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple of arrays Arrays with the coordinates of each data point. Should be in the following order: (easting, northing, vertical, ...). data : array or tuple of arrays the data values of each data point. if the data has more than one component, *data* must be a tuple of arrays (one for each component). weights : none or array or tuple of arrays if not none, then the weights assigned to each data point. if more than one data component is provided, you must provide a weights array for each data component (if not none). Returns ------- self Returns this estimator instance for chaining operations. """ self.region_ = get_region(coordinates[:2]) args = coordinates, data, weights for _, step in self.steps: args = step.filter(*args) return self
[docs] def predict(self, coordinates): """ Evaluates the data predicted by the chain on the given set of points. Predictions from each step in the chain are added together. Any step that doesn't implement a ``predict`` method is ignored. Requires a fitted gridder (see :meth:``). Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple of arrays Arrays with the coordinates of each data point. Should be in the following order: (easting, northing, vertical, ...). Returns ------- data : array The data values predicted on the given points. """ check_is_fitted(self, ["region_"]) result = None for _, step in self.steps: if hasattr(step, "predict"): predicted = check_data(step.predict(coordinates)) if result is None: result = [0 for i in range(len(predicted))] for i, pred in enumerate(predicted): result[i] += pred if len(result) == 1: return result[0] return tuple(result)