Version compatibility

Ensaio version compatibility

Ensaio uses semantic versioning (i.e., MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX format):

  • Major releases mean that backwards incompatible changes were made. Upgrading will require users to change their code.

  • Minor releases add new features/data without changing existing functionality. Users can upgrade minor versions without changing their code.

  • Bug fix releases fix errors in a previous release without adding new functionality. Users can upgrade minor versions without changing their code.

We aim for Ensaio to be backwards compatible whenever possible and will make major releases sparingly and with ample warning.

Source data releases

New releases of Ensaio will tend to accompany releases of the source data collection in the fatiando/data repository. However, the version numbers will not necessarily match.

A major release of the data collection will result in a new module being added to Ensaio (for example, the data release 2.0.0 will prompt an Ensaio release with the ensaio.v2 module added). The 1.*.* data will still be accessible through the ensaio.v1 module. The modules for previous releases will not be removed unless absolutely necessary.

This means that upgrading Ensaio should almost always be safe and documentation using 1.*.* data should still work after 2.*.* data is released.

Python version compatibility

If you require support for older Python versions, please pin Ensaio to the following releases to ensure compatibility:

Python version

Last compatible release




1.X.0 (planned for late 2022)