Download protocols

Pooch supports the HTTP, FTP, and SFTP protocols by default. It also includes a custom protocol for Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) from providers like figshare and Zenodo (see below). It will automatically detect the correct protocol from the URL and use the appropriate download method.


To download files over SFTP, paramiko needs to be installed.

For example, if our data were hosted on an FTP server, we could use the following setup:

POOCH = pooch.create(
    # Use an FTP server instead of HTTP. The rest is all the same.
        "c137.csv": "19uheidhlkjdwhoiwuhc0uhcwljchw9ochwochw89dcgw9dcgwc",
        "cronen.csv": "1upodh2ioduhw9celdjhlfvhksgdwikdgcowjhcwoduchowjg8w",

def fetch_c137():
    Load the C-137 sample data as a pandas.DataFrame (over FTP this time).
    fname = POOCH.fetch("c137.csv")
    data = pandas.read_csv(fname)
    return data

You can even specify custom functions for the download or login credentials for authentication. See Downloaders: Customizing the download for more information.

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)

Pooch can download files stored in data repositories from the DOI by formatting the URL as doi:{DOI}/{file name}. Notice that there are no // like in HTTP/FTP and you must specify a file name after the DOI (separated by a /).

See also

For a list of supported data repositories, see pooch.DOIDownloader.

For example, one of our test files ("tiny-data.txt") is stored in the figshare dataset doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.14763051.v1. We can could use pooch.retrieve to download it like so:

file_path = pooch.retrieve(

We can also make a pooch.Pooch with a registry stored entirely on a figshare dataset:

POOCH = pooch.create(
    # Use the figshare DOI
        "tiny-data.txt": "md5:70e2afd3fd7e336ae478b1e740a5f08e",
        "": "md5:7008231125631739b64720d1526619ae",

def fetch_tiny_data():
    Load the tiny data as a numpy array.
    fname = POOCH.fetch("tiny-data.txt")
    data = numpy.loadtxt(fname)
    return data


A figshare DOI must point to a figshare dataset, not a figshare collection. Collection DOIs have a .c. in them, e.g. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4362224.v1. Attempting to download files from a figshare collection will raise an error. See issue #274 details.