Source code for pooch.processors

# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Post-processing hooks for Pooch.fetch
import os

from zipfile import ZipFile
from warnings import warn

[docs]class Unzip: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Processor that unpacks a zip archive and returns a list of all files. Use with :meth:`pooch.Pooch.fetch` to unzip a downloaded data file into a folder in the local data store. :meth:`~pooch.Pooch.fetch` will return a list with the names of the unzipped files instead of the zip archive. Parameters ---------- members : list or None If None, will unpack all files in the zip archive. Otherwise, *members* must be a list of file names to unpack from the archive. Only these files will be unpacked. """ def __init__(self, members=None): self.members = members
[docs] def __call__(self, fname, action, pooch): """ Extract all files from the given zip archive. The output folder is ``{fname}.unzip``. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path of the zipped file in local storage. action : str Indicates what action was taken by :meth:`pooch.Pooch.fetch`. One of: * ``"download"``: The file didn't exist locally and was downloaded * ``"update"``: The local file was outdated and was re-download * ``"fetch"``: The file exists and is updated so it wasn't downloaded pooch : :class:`pooch.Pooch` The instance of :class:`pooch.Pooch` that is calling this. Returns ------- fnames : list of str A list of the full path to all files in the unzipped archive. """ unzipped = fname + ".unzip" if action in ("update", "download") or not os.path.exists(unzipped): # Make sure that the folder with the unzipped files exists if not os.path.exists(unzipped): os.makedirs(unzipped) with ZipFile(fname, "r") as zip_file: if self.members is None: warn("Unzipping contents of '{}' to '{}'".format(fname, unzipped)) # Unpack all files from the archive into our new folder zip_file.extractall(path=unzipped) else: for member in self.members: warn( "Unzipping '{}' from '{}' to '{}'".format( member, fname, unzipped ) ) # Extract the data file from within the archive with as data_file: # Save it to our desired file name with open(os.path.join(unzipped, member), "wb") as output: output.write( # Get a list of all file names (including subdirectories) in our folder of # unzipped files. fnames = [ os.path.join(path, fname) for path, _, files in os.walk(unzipped) for fname in files ] return fnames