.. _install: Installing ========== There are different ways to install Pooch: .. tabbed:: pip Using the `pip `__ package manager: .. code:: bash python -m pip install pooch .. tabbed:: conda Using the `conda `__ package manager that comes with the Anaconda/Miniconda distribution: .. code:: bash conda install pooch --channel conda-forge .. tabbed:: Development version Using ``pip`` to install the latest **unreleased** version from GitHub (**not recommended** in most situations): .. code:: bash python -m pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/fatiando/pooch .. note:: The commands above should be executed in a terminal. On Windows, use the ``cmd.exe`` or the "Anaconda Prompt" app if you're using Anaconda. Which Python? ------------- You'll need **Python >= 3.6**. See :ref:`python-versions` if you require support for older versions. .. _dependencies: Dependencies ------------ The required dependencies should be installed automatically when you install Pooch using ``conda`` or ``pip``. Optional dependencies have to be installed manually. Required: * `appdirs `__ * `packaging `__ * `requests `__ Optional: * `tqdm `__: For printing a download progress bar. See :ref:`progressbars`. * `paramiko `__: For SFTP downloads. See :class:`pooch.SFTPDownloader`. * `xxhash `__: For the faster xxHash algorithms. See :ref:`hashes-other`.