# Copyright (c) 2018 The Harmonica Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# This code is part of the Fatiando a Terra project (https://www.fatiando.org)
Define a layer of prisms
import warnings
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import verde as vd
from .prism import prism_gravity
[docs]def prism_layer(
Create a layer of prisms of equal size
Build a regular grid of prisms of equal size on the horizontal directions
with variable top and bottom boundaries and properties like density,
magnetization, etc. The function returns a :class:`xarray.Dataset`
containing ``easting``, ``northing``, ``top`` and ``bottom`` coordinates,
and all physical properties as ``data_var`` s. The ``easting`` and
``northing`` coordinates correspond to the location of the center of each
The ``prism_layer`` dataset accessor can be used to access special methods
and attributes for the layer of prisms, like the horizontal dimensions of
the prisms, getting the boundaries of each prisms, etc.
See :class:`XarrayAcessorPrismLayer` for the definition of these methods
and attributes.
coordinates : tuple
List containing the coordinates of the centers of the prisms in the
following order: ``easting``, ``northing``. The arrays must be 1d
arrays containing the coordiantes of the centers per axis, or could be
2d arrays as the ones returned by :func:``numpy.meshgrid``. All
coordinates should be in meters and should define a regular grid.
surface : 2d-array
Array used to create the uppermost boundary of the prisms layer. All
heights should be in meters. On every point where ``surface`` is below
``reference``, the ``surface`` value will be used to set the
``bottom`` boundary of that prism, while the ``reference`` value will
be used to set the ``top`` boundary of the prism.
reference : float or 2d-array
Reference surface used to create the lowermost boundary of the prisms
layer. It can be either a plane or an irregular surface passed as 2d
array. Height(s) must be in meters.
properties : dict or None
Dictionary containing the physical properties of the prisms. The keys
must be strings that will be used to name the corresponding ``data_var``
inside the :class:`xarray.Dataset`, while the values must be 2d-arrays.
All physical properties must be passed in SI units. If None, no
``data_var`` will be added to the :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Default is
dataset : :class:`xarray.Dataset`
Dataset containing the coordinates of the center of each prism, the
height of its top and bottom boundaries and its corresponding physical
See also
>>> # Create a synthetic relief
>>> import numpy as np
>>> easting = np.linspace(0, 10, 5)
>>> northing = np.linspace(2, 8, 4)
>>> surface = np.arange(20, dtype=float).reshape((4, 5))
>>> density = 2670.0 * np.ones_like(surface)
>>> # Define a layer of prisms
>>> prisms = prism_layer(
... (easting, northing),
... surface,
... reference=0,
... properties={"density": density},
... )
>>> print(prisms)
Dimensions: (easting: 5, northing: 4)
* easting (easting) float64 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
* northing (northing) float64 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
top (northing, easting) float64 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 ... 17.0 18.0 19.0
bottom (northing, easting) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Data variables:
density (northing, easting) float64 2.67e+03 2.67e+03 ... 2.67e+03
coords_units: meters
properties_units: SI
>>> # Get the boundaries of the layer (will exceed the region)
>>> print(prisms.prism_layer.boundaries)
(-1.25, 11.25, 1.0, 9.0)
>>> # Get the boundaries of one of the prisms
>>> print(prisms.prism_layer.get_prism((0, 2)))
(3.75, 6.25, 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 2.0)
""" # noqa: W505
dims = ("northing", "easting")
# Initialize data and data_names as None
data, data_names = None, None
# If properties were passed, then replace data_names and data for its keys
# and values, respectively
if properties:
data_names = tuple(p for p in properties.keys())
data = tuple(p for p in properties.values())
# Create xr.Dataset for prisms
prisms = vd.make_xarray_grid(
coordinates, data=data, data_names=data_names, dims=dims
_check_regular_grid(prisms.easting.values, prisms.northing.values)
# Append some attributes to the xr.Dataset
attrs = {"coords_units": "meters", "properties_units": "SI"}
prisms.attrs = attrs
# Create the top and bottom coordinates of the prisms
prisms.prism_layer.update_top_bottom(surface, reference)
return prisms
def _check_regular_grid(easting, northing):
Check if the easting and northing coordinates define a regular grid
.. note:
This function should live inside Verde in the future
if not np.allclose(easting[1] - easting[0], easting[1:] - easting[:-1]):
raise ValueError("Passed easting coordiantes are not evenly spaced.")
if not np.allclose(northing[1] - northing[0], northing[1:] - northing[:-1]):
raise ValueError("Passed northing coordiantes are not evenly spaced.")
class DatasetAccessorPrismLayer:
Defines dataset accessor for layer of prisms
.. warning::
This class is not intended to be initialized.
Use the `prism_layer` accessor for accessing the methods and
attributes of this class.
See also
def __init__(self, xarray_obj):
self._obj = xarray_obj
def dims(self):
Return the dims tuple of the prism layer
The tuple follows the xarray order: ``"northing"``, ``"easting"``.
return ("northing", "easting")
def spacing(self):
Spacing between center of prisms
s_north : float
Spacing between center of prisms on the South-North direction.
s_east : float
Spacing between center of prisms on the West-East direction.
easting, northing = self._obj.easting.values, self._obj.northing.values
_check_regular_grid(easting, northing)
s_north, s_east = northing[1] - northing[0], easting[1] - easting[0]
return s_north, s_east
def boundaries(self):
Boundaries of the layer
boundaries : tuple
Boundaries of the layer of prisms in the following order: ``west``,
``east``, ``south``, ``north``.
s_north, s_east = self.spacing
west = self._obj.easting.values.min() - s_east / 2
east = self._obj.easting.values.max() + s_east / 2
south = self._obj.northing.values.min() - s_north / 2
north = self._obj.northing.values.max() + s_north / 2
return west, east, south, north
def size(self):
Return the total number of prisms on the layer
size : int
Total number of prisms in the layer.
return self._obj.northing.size * self._obj.easting.size
def shape(self):
Return the number of prisms on each direction
n_north : int
Number of prisms on the South-North direction.
n_east : int
Number of prisms on the West-East direction.
return (self._obj.northing.size, self._obj.easting.size)
def _get_prism_horizontal_boundaries(self, easting, northing):
Compute the horizontal boundaries of the prism
easting : float or array
Easting coordinate of the center of the prism
northing : float or array
Northing coordinate of the center of the prism
spacing = self.spacing
west = easting - spacing[1] / 2
east = easting + spacing[1] / 2
south = northing - spacing[0] / 2
north = northing + spacing[0] / 2
return west, east, south, north
[docs] def update_top_bottom(self, surface, reference):
Update top and bottom boundaries of the layer
Change the values of the ``top`` and ``bottom`` coordiantes based on
the passed ``surface`` and ``reference``. The ``top`` and ``bottom``
boundaries of every
prism will be equal to the corresponding ``surface`` and ``reference``
values, respectively, if ``surface`` is above the ``reference`` on that
point. Otherwise the ``top`` and ``bottom`` boundaries of the prism
will be equal to its corresponding ``reference`` and ``surface``,
surface : 2d-array
Array used to create the uppermost boundary of the prisms layer.
All heights should be in meters. On every point where ``surface``
is below ``reference``, the ``surface`` value will be used to set
the ``bottom`` boundary of that prism, while the ``reference``
value will be used to set the ``top`` boundary of the prism.
reference : float or 2d-array
Reference surface used to create the lowermost boundary of the
prisms layer. It can be either a plane or an irregular surface
passed as 2d array. Height(s) must be in meters.
if surface.shape != self.shape:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid surface array with shape '{surface.shape}'. "
+ "Its shape should be compatible with the coordinates "
+ "of the layer of prisms."
if isinstance(reference, np.ndarray):
if reference.shape != self.shape:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid reference array with shape '{reference.shape}'. "
+ "Its shape should be compatible with the coordinates "
+ "of the layer of prisms."
reference *= np.ones(self.shape)
top = surface.copy()
bottom = reference.copy()
reverse = surface < reference
top[reverse] = reference[reverse]
bottom[reverse] = surface[reverse]
self._obj.coords["top"] = (self.dims, top)
self._obj.coords["bottom"] = (self.dims, bottom)
[docs] def gravity(self, coordinates, field, density_name="density", **kwargs):
Computes the gravity generated by the layer of prisms
Uses :func:`harmonica.prism_gravity` for computing the gravity field
generated by the prisms of the layer.
The density of the prisms will be assigned from the ``data_var`` chosen
through the ``density_name`` argument.
Ignores the prisms which ``top`` or ``bottom`` boundaries are
All ``kwargs`` will be passed to :func:`harmonica.prism_gravity`.
coordinates : list or 1d-array
List or array containing ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward``
of the computation points defined on a Cartesian coordinate system.
All coordinates should be in meters.
field : str
Gravitational field that wants to be computed.
The available fields are:
- Gravitational potential: ``potential``
- Downward acceleration: ``g_z``
density_name : str (optional)
Name of the property layer (or ``data_var`` of the
:class:`xarray.Dataset`) that will be used for the density of each
prism in the layer. Default to ``"density"``
result : array
Gravitational field generated by the prisms on the computation
points in mGal.
See also
# Get boundaries and density of the prisms
boundaries = self._to_prisms()
density = self._obj[density_name].values
# Get the mask for selecting only the prisms whose top boundary, bottom
# boundary and density have no nans
mask = self._get_nonans_mask(property_name=density_name)
# Select only the boundaries and density elements for masked prisms
boundaries = boundaries[mask.ravel()]
density = density[mask]
# Return gravity field of prisms
return prism_gravity(
def _get_nonans_mask(self, property_name=None):
Build a mask for prisms with no nans on top, bottom or a property
property_name : str (optional)
Name of the property layer (or ``data_var`` of the
:class:`xarray.Dataset`) that will be used for masking the prisms
in the layer.
mask : 2d-array
Array of bools that can be used as a mask for selecting prisms with
no nans on top boundaries, bottom boundaries and the passed
# Mask the prisms that contains no nans on top and bottom boundaries
mask = np.logical_and(
# Mask the prisms that contains nans on the selected property
if property_name is not None:
mask_property = np.logical_not(np.isnan(self._obj[property_name].values))
# Warn if a nan is found within the masked property
if not mask_property[mask].all():
'Found missing values in "{}" property '.format(property_name)
+ "of the prisms layer. "
+ "The prisms with a nan as "
+ '"{}" will be ignored.'.format(property_name)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, mask_property)
return mask
def _to_prisms(self):
Return the boundaries of each prism of the layer
prisms : 2d-array
Array containing the boundaries of each prism of the layer.
Each row contains the boundaries of each prism in the following
order: ``west``, ``east``, ``south``, ``north``, ``bottom``,
easting, northing = np.meshgrid(
self._obj.easting.values, self._obj.northing.values
west, east, south, north = self._get_prism_horizontal_boundaries(
easting.ravel(), northing.ravel()
bottom = self._obj.bottom.values.ravel()
top = self._obj.top.values.ravel()
prisms = np.vstack((west, east, south, north, bottom, top)).T
return prisms
[docs] def get_prism(self, indices):
Return the boundaries of the chosen prism
indices : tuple
Indices of the desired prism of the layer in the following order:
``(index_northing, index_easting)``.
prism : tuple
Boundaries of the prisms in the following order:
``west``, ``east``, ``south``, ``north``, ``bottom``, ``top``.
# Get the center of the prism
center_easting = self._obj.easting.values[indices[1]]
center_northing = self._obj.northing.values[indices[0]]
# Calculate the boundaries of the prism
west, east, south, north = self._get_prism_horizontal_boundaries(
center_easting, center_northing
bottom = self._obj.bottom.values[indices]
top = self._obj.top.values[indices]
return west, east, south, north, bottom, top