Source code for harmonica.equivalent_layer.harmonic_spherical

# Copyright (c) 2018 The Harmonica Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# This code is part of the Fatiando a Terra project (
Equivalent layer for generic harmonic functions in spherical coordinates
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
import verde as vd
import verde.base as vdb

from .utils import (
from ..forward.utils import distance_spherical

[docs]class EQLHarmonicSpherical(vdb.BaseGridder): r""" Equivalent-layer for generic harmonic functions in spherical coordinates This equivalent layer can be used for: * Spherical coordinates (geographic coordinates must be converted before use) * Regional or global data where Earth's curvature must be taken into account * Gravity and magnetic data (including derivatives) * Single data types * Interpolation * Upward continuation * Finite-difference based derivative calculations It cannot be used for: * Joint inversion of multiple data types (e.g., gravity + gravity gradients) * Reduction to the pole of magnetic total field anomaly data * Analytical derivative calculations Point sources are located beneath the observed potential-field measurement points by default [Cooper2000]_. Custom source locations can be used by specifying the *points* argument. Coefficients associated with each point source are estimated through linear least-squares with damping (Tikhonov 0th order) regularization. The Green's function for point mass effects used is the inverse Euclidean distance between the grid coordinates and the point source: .. math:: \phi(\bar{x}, \bar{x}') = \frac{1}{||\bar{x} - \bar{x}'||} where :math:`\bar{x}` and :math:`\bar{x}'` are the coordinate vectors of the observation point and the source, respectively. Parameters ---------- damping : None or float The positive damping regularization parameter. Controls how much smoothness is imposed on the estimated coefficients. If None, no regularization is used. points : None or list of arrays (optional) List containing the coordinates of the point sources used as the equivalent layer. Coordinates are assumed to be in the following order: (``longitude``, ``latitude``, ``radius``). Both ``longitude`` and ``latitude`` must be in degrees and ``radius`` in meters. If None, will place one point source bellow each observation point at a fixed relative depth bellow the observation point [Cooper2000]_. Defaults to None. relative_depth : float Relative depth at which the point sources are placed beneath the observation points. Each source point will be set beneath each data point at a depth calculated as the radius of the data point minus this constant *relative_depth*. Use positive numbers (negative numbers would mean point sources are above the data points). Ignored if *points* is specified. parallel : bool If True any predictions and Jacobian building is carried out in parallel through Numba's ``jit.prange``, reducing the computation time. If False, these tasks will be run on a single CPU. Default to True. Attributes ---------- points_ : 2d-array Coordinates of the point sources used to build the equivalent layer. coefs_ : array Estimated coefficients of every point source. region_ : tuple The boundaries (``[W, E, S, N]``) of the data used to fit the interpolator. Used as the default region for the :meth:`~harmonica.EQLHarmonicSpherical.grid` method. """ # Set the default dimension names for generated outputs # as xr.Dataset. dims = ("spherical_latitude", "longitude") # Overwrite the defalt name for the upward coordinate. extra_coords_name = "radius" # Define dispatcher for Numba functions with or without parallelization _predict_kernel = {False: predict_numba_serial, True: predict_numba_parallel} _jacobian_kernel = {False: jacobian_numba_serial, True: jacobian_numba_parallel} def __init__( self, damping=None, points=None, relative_depth=500, parallel=True, ): self.damping = damping self.points = points self.relative_depth = relative_depth self.parallel = parallel # Define Green's function for spherical coordinates self.greens_function = greens_func_spherical
[docs] def fit(self, coordinates, data, weights=None): """ Fit the coefficients of the equivalent layer. The data region is captured and used as default for the :meth:`~harmonica.EQLHarmonicSpherical.grid` method. All input arrays must have the same shape. Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple of arrays Arrays with the coordinates of each data point. Should be in the following order: (``longitude``, ``latitude``, ``radius``, ...). Only ``longitude``, ``latitude``, and ``radius`` will be used, all subsequent coordinates will be ignored. data : array The data values of each data point. weights : None or array If not None, then the weights assigned to each data point. Typically, this should be 1 over the data uncertainty squared. Returns ------- self Returns this estimator instance for chaining operations. """ coordinates, data, weights = vdb.check_fit_input(coordinates, data, weights) # Capture the data region to use as a default when gridding. self.region_ = vd.get_region(coordinates[:2]) coordinates = vdb.n_1d_arrays(coordinates, 3) if self.points is None: self.points_ = ( coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2] - self.relative_depth, ) else: self.points_ = vdb.n_1d_arrays(self.points, 3) jacobian = self.jacobian(coordinates, self.points_) self.coefs_ = vdb.least_squares(jacobian, data, weights, self.damping) return self
[docs] def predict(self, coordinates): """ Evaluate the estimated equivalent layer on the given set of points. Requires a fitted estimator (see :meth:``). Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple of arrays Arrays with the coordinates of each data point. Should be in the following order: (``longitude``, ``latitude``, ``radius``, ...). Only ``longitude``, ``latitude`` and ``radius`` will be used, all subsequent coordinates will be ignored. Returns ------- data : array The data values evaluated on the given points. """ # We know the gridder has been fitted if it has the coefs_ check_is_fitted(self, ["coefs_"]) shape = np.broadcast(*coordinates[:3]).shape size = np.broadcast(*coordinates[:3]).size dtype = coordinates[0].dtype coordinates = tuple(np.atleast_1d(i).ravel() for i in coordinates[:3]) data = np.zeros(size, dtype=dtype) self._predict_kernel[self.parallel]( coordinates, self.points_, self.coefs_, data, self.greens_function ) return data.reshape(shape)
[docs] def jacobian( self, coordinates, points, dtype="float64" ): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Make the Jacobian matrix for the equivalent layer. Each column of the Jacobian is the Green's function for a single point source evaluated on all observation points. Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple of arrays Arrays with the coordinates of each data point. Should be in the following order: (``longitude``, ``latitude``, ``radius``, ...). Only ``longitude``, ``latitude`` and ``radius`` will be used, all subsequent coordinates will be ignored. points : tuple of arrays Tuple of arrays containing the coordinates of the point sources used as equivalent layer in the following order: (``longitude``, ``latitude``, ``radius``). dtype : str or numpy dtype The type of the Jacobian array. Returns ------- jacobian : 2D array The (n_data, n_points) Jacobian matrix. """ # Compute Jacobian matrix n_data = coordinates[0].size n_points = points[0].size jac = np.zeros((n_data, n_points), dtype=dtype) self._jacobian_kernel[self.parallel]( coordinates, points, jac, self.greens_function ) return jac
[docs] def grid( self, upward, region=None, shape=None, spacing=None, dims=None, data_names=None, **kwargs ): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Interpolate the data onto a regular grid. The grid can be specified by either the number of points in each dimension (the *shape*) or by the grid node spacing. See :func:`verde.grid_coordinates` for details. All grid points will be located at the same `upward` coordinate. Other arguments for :func:`verde.grid_coordinates` can be passed as extra keyword arguments (``kwargs``) to this method. If the interpolator collected the input data region, then it will be used if ``region=None``. Otherwise, you must specify the grid region. Use the *dims* and *data_names* arguments to set custom names for the dimensions and the data field(s) in the output :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Default names will be provided if none are given. Parameters ---------- upward : float Upward coordinate of the grid points. region : list = [W, E, S, N] The west, east, south, and north boundaries of a given region. shape : tuple = (n_north, n_east) or None The number of points in the South-North and West-East directions, respectively. spacing : tuple = (s_north, s_east) or None The grid spacing in the South-North and West-East directions, respectively. dims : list or None The names of the northing and easting data dimensions, respectively, in the output grid. Default is determined from the ``dims`` attribute of the class. Must be defined in the following order: northing dimension, easting dimension. **NOTE: This is an exception to the "easting" then "northing" pattern but is required for compatibility with xarray.** data_names : list of None The name(s) of the data variables in the output grid. Defaults to ``['scalars']``. Returns ------- grid : xarray.Dataset The interpolated grid. Metadata about the interpolator is written to the ``attrs`` attribute. """ # We override the grid method from BaseGridder so it takes the upward # coordinate as a positional argument. We disable pylint # arguments-differ error because we intend to make this method # different from the inherited one. # Ignore extra_coords if passed pop_extra_coords(kwargs) # Grid data # We always pass projection=None because that argument it's intended to # be used only with Cartesian gridders. grid = super().grid( region=region, shape=shape, spacing=spacing, dims=dims, data_names=data_names, projection=None, extra_coords=upward, **kwargs, ) return grid
[docs] def scatter( self, region=None, size=None, random_state=None, dims=None, data_names=None, projection=None, **kwargs ): """ .. warning :: Not implemented method. The scatter method will be deprecated on Verde v2.0.0. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def profile( self, point1, point2, size, dims=None, data_names=None, projection=None, **kwargs ): """ .. warning :: Not implemented method. The profile on spherical coordinates should be done using great-circle distances through the Haversine formula. """ raise NotImplementedError
@jit(nopython=True) def greens_func_spherical( longitude, latitude, radius, point_longitude, point_latitude, point_radius ): """ Green's function for the equivalent layer in spherical coordinates Uses Numba to speed up things. """ distance = distance_spherical( (longitude, latitude, radius), (point_longitude, point_latitude, point_radius) ) return 1 / distance