.. _changes: Changelog ========= Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on: 2022/02/18 doi:`10.5281/zenodo.6143350 `__ **Breaking change**: * Version datasets individually instead of using the entire data bundle and versioning all datasets based on the module name. This means that functions won't have to be repeated and updating one dataset doesn't mean copying all of the others along with it (since the collection would be new). Versions are now specified as a required ``version`` argument in all ``fetch_*`` functions. (`#18 `__) Maintenance: * Replace Google Analytics for Plausible so our docs have a more privacy-friendly analytics solution (`#17 `__) * Use `Dependente `__ to capture dependencies on CI (`#16 `__) * Use `build `__ instead of ``setup.py`` (`#15 `__) * Remove unused files from the source distributions (`#14 `__) This release contains contributions from: * Santiago Soler * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on: 2021/12/23 doi:`10.5281/zenodo.5784203 `__ First trial release of Ensaio. Used for testing our systems and implementation. This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda .. Version 1.0.0 ------------- *Released on: 2021/12/17* doi:`10.5281/zenodo.5784203 `__ **First major release of Ensaio** (Portuguese for "rehearsal"), a Python package for downloading open-access sample datasets for Geoscience. It taps into the curated data collection in `github.com/fatiando/data `__ and uses `Pooch `__ to manage downloading and caching the data files. Data version: `fatiando/data v1.0.0 `__ Data archive: `10.5281/zenodo.5167357 `__ Includes: * GPS velocities for the Alpine region * Single-beam bathymetry of the Caribbean * Airborne magnetic survey of Britain * Global gravity, geoid height, and topography grids * LiDAR point cloud of the Trail Islands in British Columbia, Canada * Ground gravity of Southern Africa **This is the only release that will be compatible with Python 3.6.** Later releases will require Python >= 3.7. This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda