
Version 0.3.0

Released on: 2021/10/18



  • Add support for Python 3.9 and 3.10 (#87)

  • Add reference Sphere class for bodies with zero flattening (#42)

  • Add spheroids for Venus (#68), Mercury, and the Earth’s Moon (#71)


  • Warn users if normal gravity is being computed on internal point (#83)

  • Add option to return normal gravity in SI units (#69)

  • Add parameter validation for the Sphere class (#56)

  • Add parameter validation for the Ellipsoid class (#45)

  • Make parameter validation methods private (#55)

  • Tests normal gravity against Somigliana equation (#51)

  • Fix normal gravity equation of Sphere (#52)

  • Fix missing centrifugal term for spheres at the equator (#48)


  • Update documentation theme to sphinx-book-theme (#92)

  • Add tutorial for geodetic to geocentric coordinate transformations (#84)

  • Improvements to docstrings of Ellipsoid and Sphere (#49)


  • Add Mariana Gomez to (#90)

  • Add Chris Dinneen to (#74)

  • Only run CI for Python 3.6 and 3.10 now that it’s out (#89)

  • Update setuptools_scm configuration to save a boule/ file instead of relying on pkg_resources to get the version number (#91)

  • Use the OSI version of item 3 in the license (#70)

  • Add license and copyright notice to every .py file (#67)

  • Refactor GitHub Actions workflows to separate building the docs (#65)

  • Replace versioneer with setuptools-scm (#61)

  • Remove configuration files for unused CI (#60)

  • Replace Travis and Azure with GitHub Actions (#57)

  • Add conda-forge badge to the README (#40)

  • Format the doc/ file with Black (#41)

This release contains contributions from:

  • Chris Dinneen

  • Mariana Gomez

  • Hugo van Kemenade

  • Lu Li

  • Santiago Soler

  • Leonardo Uieda

Version 0.2.0

Released on: 2020/07/10

Digital Object Identifier
  • Add the Ellipsoid.geocentric_radius method to calculate the distance from the center of the ellipsoid to its surface as a function of latitude (geodetic or geocentric). (#37)

  • Add the Ellipsoid.prime_vertical_radius method for computing the prime vertical radius (usually represented by N in equations) as a function of geodetic latitude. (#35)

  • Fix typo in README contributing section (#32)

This release contains contributions from:

  • Leonardo Uieda

  • Rowan Cockett

  • Santiago Soler

Version 0.1.1

Released on: 2020/01/10

This release contains only a documentation fix: include install instructions for conda and pip. No functionality has been changed (hence, no DOI was issued).

Version 0.1.0

Released on: 2020/01/10

Digital Object Identifier

First release of Boule including basic functionality:

  • Definition of the Ellipsoid class: based on the semi-major axis, flattening, geocentric gravitational constant, and angular velocity. Other quantities are derived from these 4.

  • Computation of normal gravity and coordinate conversions between geodetic and geocentric.

  • Ellipsoid realizations for the Earth (WGS84 and GRS80) and Mars.

Version 0.0.1

Released on: 2019/11/06

Digital Object Identifier

This release is a placeholder that serves as a marker for the start of this project. It is used to register the project on PyPI and test the continuous integration deployment process.