.. _changes: Changelog ========= Version 0.4.1 ------------- Released on: 2022/10/27 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7258175 Documentation: * Update contact link in the docs side bar (`#141 `__) * Add definition of “co-located grids” to the glossary (`#139 `__) * Fix typo in overview docs page (`#137 `__) Maintenance: * Undo deprecation of coordinate conversion methods (`#142 `__) * Drop support for Python 3.6 (`#144 `__) * Add ``serve`` target in ``doc/Makefile`` (`#136 `__) This release contains contributions from: * Mariana Gomez * Santiago Soler * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.4.0 ------------- Released on: 2022/08/09 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6779998 .. warning:: **Boule v0.4.0 is the last release that is compatible with Python 3.6.** **Backwards incompatible changes:** * Refactor the ``Sphere`` class to not inherit from ``Ellipsoid``. Breaks backwards compatibility due to the removal of inherited methods and attributes (`#129 `__) * Make all package modules private by adding a leading ``_`` to their name (`#119 `__) * Rename the ``Ellipsoid.emm`` attribute to ``Ellipsoid._emm`` to make it private (`#123 `__) * Remove the ``boule.test`` function (`#116 `__) Deprecations: * Deprecate the coordinate conversion methods which have been ported to the pymap3d library v2.9.0 (`#126 `__) New features: * Add the ``volume`` property to ``Ellipsoid`` (`#132 `__) * Add missing attributes to ``Ellipsoid`` for pymap3 compatibility (`#121 `__) * Add the ``TriaxialEllipsoid`` class with geometric parameters (`#72 `__) * Add a normal gravitation method to ``Sphere`` (`#73 `__) Documentation: * Add a logo for Boule (`#125 `__) * Refactor the documentation tutorials to shift the focus to how to do things with Boule and point to other pages for more of the theory (`#130 `__) * Refactor documentation of ``TriaxialEllipsoid`` (`#128 `__) * Refactor the documentation of ``Ellipsoid`` (`#127 `__) * Fix formatting for code to pip install from GitHub (`#118 `__) * Fix license link and compatibility warning in the README (`#117 `__) * Use jupyter-sphinx instead of sphinx-gallery and update the documentation front page (`#112 `__) * Point to our organization wide guides in the documentation (`#108 `__) * Add an example calculating global gravity disturbances (`#102 `__) * Update Sphinx version to 4.5.0 (`#103 `__) Maintenance: * Convert the README to Markdown (`#113 `__) * Specify oldest supported version of each dependency (`#111 `__) * Move to ``pyproject.toml/setup.cfg`` with ``build`` instead of ``setup.py`` (`#110 `__) * Replace pylint with flake8 and some extensions (`#109 `__) * Rename the git "master" branch to "main" (`#107 `__) * Update code style to Black 22.3.0 (`#104 `__) * Replace Google Analytics with Plausible for page visit statistics (`#99 `__) This release contains contributions from: * Agustina Pesce * Chris Dinneen * Leonardo Uieda * Santiago Soler Version 0.3.1 ------------- Released on: 2021/10/19 doi:`10.5281/zenodo.5577885 `__ Bug fix: * Package the missing ``requirements.txt`` file in source distributions (`#96 `__) This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.3.0 ------------- Released on: 2021/10/18 doi:`10.5281/zenodo.5575827 `__ Highlights: * Add support for Python 3.9 and 3.10 (`#87 `__) * Add reference ``Sphere`` class for bodies with zero flattening (`#42 `__) * Add spheroids for Venus (`#68 `__), Mercury, and the Earth's Moon (`#71 `__) Enhancements: * Warn users if normal gravity is being computed on internal point (`#83 `__) * Add option to return normal gravity in SI units (`#69 `__) * Add parameter validation for the ``Sphere`` class (`#56 `__) * Add parameter validation for the ``Ellipsoid`` class (`#45 `__) * Make parameter validation methods private (`#55 `__) * Tests normal gravity against Somigliana equation (`#51 `__) * Fix normal gravity equation of ``Sphere`` (`#52 `__) * Fix missing centrifugal term for spheres at the equator (`#48 `__) Documentation: * Update documentation theme to sphinx-book-theme (`#92 `__) * Add tutorial for geodetic to geocentric coordinate transformations (`#84 `__) * Improvements to docstrings of Ellipsoid and Sphere (`#49 `__) Maintenance: * Add Mariana Gomez to ``AUTHORS.md`` (`#90 `__) * Add Chris Dinneen to ``AUTHORS.md`` (`#74 `__) * Only run CI for Python 3.6 and 3.10 now that it's out (`#89 `__) * Update ``setuptools_scm`` configuration to save a ``boule/_version.py`` file instead of relying on ``pkg_resources`` to get the version number (`#91 `__) * Use the OSI version of item 3 in the license (`#70 `__) * Add license and copyright notice to every ``.py`` file (`#67 `__) * Refactor GitHub Actions workflows to separate building the docs (`#65 `__) * Replace versioneer with setuptools-scm (`#61 `__) * Remove configuration files for unused CI (`#60 `__) * Replace Travis and Azure with GitHub Actions (`#57 `__) * Add conda-forge badge to the README (`#40 `__) * Format the ``doc/conf.py`` file with Black (`#41 `__) This release contains contributions from: * Chris Dinneen * Mariana Gomez * Hugo van Kemenade * Lu Li * Santiago Soler * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on: 2020/07/10 .. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3939204.svg :alt: Digital Object Identifier :target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3939204 * Add the ``Ellipsoid.geocentric_radius`` method to calculate the distance from the center of the ellipsoid to its surface as a function of latitude (geodetic or geocentric). (`#37 `__) * Add the ``Ellipsoid.prime_vertical_radius`` method for computing the prime vertical radius (usually represented by N in equations) as a function of geodetic latitude. (`#35 `__) * Fix typo in README contributing section (`#32 `__) This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda * Rowan Cockett * Santiago Soler Version 0.1.1 ------------- Released on: 2020/01/10 This release contains only a documentation fix: include install instructions for conda and pip. No functionality has been changed (hence, no DOI was issued). Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on: 2020/01/10 .. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3603997.svg :alt: Digital Object Identifier :target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3603997 First release of *Boule* including basic functionality: * Definition of the ``Ellipsoid`` class: based on the semi-major axis, flattening, geocentric gravitational constant, and angular velocity. Other quantities are derived from these 4. * Computation of normal gravity and coordinate conversions between geodetic and geocentric. * Ellipsoid realizations for the Earth (WGS84 and GRS80) and Mars. Version 0.0.1 ------------- Released on: 2019/11/06 .. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3530750.svg :alt: Digital Object Identifier :target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3530750 This release is a placeholder that serves as a marker for the start of this project. It is used to register the project on PyPI and test the continuous integration deployment process.